Anthony Vogt.

Elevating your self-care routine 1 day at a time.

“You deserve love not because you’re a ‘special woman’ or an ‘amazing man,’ but because you’re a human being. Every single person alive is worthy of love.”

Yes, Idiot, Even You Are Worthy of Love

Will Penney

This is how it all started…

During the Covid-19 lockdown that nearly broke the world many of us were forced to introspectively take a look at our lives and what we found important. We didn’t have many options. The world was in shambles, stricken with fear and despair. Stuck in our homes for nearly 3 years in some circumstances. Many of us learned a whole lot about ourselves.

The amount of isolation and self-reflection I went through was not something I expected whatsoever. I went into a relatively dark place. Lots of my friends didn’t care for the restrictions that were set in place and continued their everyday lives as normal. I began isolating myself. I sought out hobbies that enabled me to still enjoy a sense of community. I streamed on twitch for about 2 years. This, in turn, taught me how to bring out the leadership skills in me even more. However, I needed to deal with my demons first.

For the next six months I began reading self-help and philosophy books. I wanted to figure out how to motivate and inspire myself to get past the things that were torturing me internally. Eventually, this lead to journaling. Once I started working out the issues I had with myself internally, it became a ripple effect to the issues I had with myself externally. I started exercising, thus improving my mental health even further. Within 12 months, I started seeing tremendous improvements in all aspects of my life. I was becoming truly happy again.

Anthony Vogt

Writer & Journalist

The Journey Begins Here

Self-care doesn’t have to be this terribly difficult and intense idea. Let us help you simplfy your self-care routine by drawing inspiration from all the things you love and enjoy already. Join us on the self-care journey that will change your life!

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