
5 Minute Self-Care: Transform Your Life with Quick Practices

Self-care is essential for keeping your overall well-being in tip-top shape. There are many proactive steps you can take to care for your mental, physical, and emotional health. The power of 5 minute self-care can help reduce stress, improve your quality of life, and even prevent burnout. Eventually, you will be able to stay resilient, recharge, and function more efficiently in your daily tasks.

Sometimes we feel as if we don’t have enough time in the day to finish the things we need to do. Oftentimes, our self-care gets neglected. However, that shouldn’t be the case and doesn’t need to be. If you stick along until the end of the post, you’ll certainly understand just how easy it is to incorporate the 5-minute self-care routine into your busy day.

Introducing 5 Minute Self-Care

You’ve been working since 9 a.m.; lunch time is around the corner, when your supervisor approaches you. You’re getting hangry at this point and your supervisor wasn’t the least bit happy in telling you how you must have “missed the part in the email that said (x, y, z). ” You don’t necessarily have the opportunity to walk it off.

Instead, take a deep breath, count backwards from 10, and let your supervisor know that you understand. There is no need to apologize unless you were actually wrong. This is where you take the next 5 minutes to reflect. 

Ask yourself, were you in the wrong? Could you have done better? But then reaffirm how good you really are at your job. Remind yourself how great of a person you are.

The Impact of Neglecting Self-Care


There can be many repercussions for neglecting self-care. Oftentimes we might not realize that we’re neglecting our own needs because we’re too wrapped up in our busy lives. Overall, our mental and physical health can suffer, causing unnecessary setbacks.

Mentally adverse effects may include but are not limited to:

  • Increased anxiety and stress
  • Depression
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Emotional Instability

Physical adverse effects may include but are not limited to:

  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Weakened immune system
  • Chronic pain

Neglecting self-care can also affect your overall well-being.

  • Reduced Quality of Life
  • Burnout
  • Strained Relationships

Incorporating regular self-care practices is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling life

Why 5 Minute Self-Care Works


“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

In life, not every action needs to be heroic or a grand gesture. In fact, smaller doses of things can be just as effective, if not more, than larger doses. Take these few examples, for instance:

  • The color white: white clothes are nice, white furniture is nice, but make everything white in a room and you might feel like you’re in a psychiatric hospital.
  • The color black: The same applies with clothes and furniture, but make everything black, and it feels very gloomy and depressing, almost deathly.
  • Medicine: We’re usually prescribed microdoses of things (think milligrams), whereas an overdose could make you sick, or even die.
  • Wine or other alcohol: While a glass of wine a day may be beneficial to your health, having 10 glasses a day will make you intoxicated and even harm your liver over time.
  • Food: We need food to survive, there’s no question about that, but overeating can cause you to feel uncomfortable or sick. 

Here’s where we introduce 5-minute self-care routines. For example, let’s say we’ve got a busy day ahead of us and we don’t have the time to get in a full hour at the gym. Stretching for 5 minutes will loosen the muscles and allow the blood to flow properly. When your blood flows, your mood grows. 

I try to start my day with 5 minutes of gratitude. I’ll write down a list of all the things I’m grateful for, either in general, or in the present moment. This helps ground me and remind me that there is so much in life to be thankful for, ultimately lifting my mood and setting the tone for the day.

5 Minute Self-Care in Action

When things start to get stressful during the workday, take a 5 minute break. Bring yourself to a quiet place and have a mini-meditation session. Additionally, you could repeat a mantra in your head and imagine waves brushing over the sand. Meditation helps you focus in a mindful way and can reset your mind and mood. This can be just as powerful as a prolonged session.


The Journal of Psychology published a study finding that taking microbreaks was “an effective energy management strategy while at work.” Prolonged work without microdoses of self-care, or a break in between, can and will lead to negative effects. Which is why it’s essential to take a few minutes to recharge your mind, body and soul.

Quick and Effective Self-Care Practices

I’ve gone over a few of these already, however, here is a short list of a few quick and effective examples of a 5-minute self-care routine you could incorporate into your daily life. (Note: These align directly with the 5 Pillars of Self-Care)

  • Mindfulness and meditation: simple breathing exercises, quick meditation techniques.
  • Journaling: break out a notebook and write down your thoughts; clear your mind.
  • Physical activity: stretching, a quick walk, or basic yoga poses.
  • Hydration and nutrition: drinking a glass of water, having a healthy snack.
  • Mental Breaks: listening to a favorite song, reading a motivational quote.
  • Personal grooming: refreshing face wash, applying a favorite lotion.

Integrating 5 Minute Self-Care into Your Daily Routine

Most of us have smartphones these days. The beauty of these devices is that there’s an app for pretty much anything, including alarms and reminders. I want you to head to one of those apps and set an alarm or reminder for every 4 hours. I personally believe that we should be integrating self-care into our lives at least once every four hours. Now, you don’t have to jump at the sound of the alarm and practice self-care, but let it be a reminder that you need to take time for yourself again.

Other times, you may be able to recognize when you’re not quite feeling yourself. It’s in these moments that you should find a few minutes and bring yourself back to earth. Take a quick bathroom break, step into one of the stalls, close your eyes, and just let the energy rush through you while you breathe.

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.” – Unknown

Achieving small things often leads to huge success. Don’t believe that you need to immediately zone in on self-care and have it be the only thing you focus on. Ease into it with consistency and you will eventually learn that it is lightwork and incredibly fruitful. 


In conclusion, it’s extremely easy in today’s fast paced world to get caught up in our daily tasks and forget to take care of ourselves. We end up getting burned out, stressed out, and oftentimes bent out of shape. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. There are simple ways to elevate your self-care routine that can be done in under 5 minutes.

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Simple Mindfulness
  • Take a walk
  • Listen to music
  • Stretch
  • Have a healthy snack
  • Reflect on gratitude
  • Embrace the silence

These are all just a few simple 5 minute self-care ideas. I’m sure if you thought of it, you could think of probably a dozen other ways to take care of yourself in 5 minutes. What are your favorite 5 minute self-care techniques? Try one today, and let me know how it goes in the comments.

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